Friday, November 5, 2010

To be Continued n a lil bit on Mommy fashion.

Some friends have asked me about this hijab I wore here in this picture. Some explanation on it is given in the post below. I have one piece for sale in pure black, material is cotton, length and width is for the wraparound style. RM25 and still available. Does not come with any cap or inner.
my favourite shoes, goes with absolutely everything, casual formal,walking. Wait except for taking my daughter  to the playground am not Victoria Beckham. Tee Hee.
I went through an overhaul fashion wise- after the birth of my daughter. My old clothes could not fit, and while working to lose the weight gained during my pregnancy ( Which am still working on thanks to my obsession with carbs)I decided to wear stuff that fit my new body instead of stressing about a figure that I had lost. Hence the new love for wedge shoes. Am uploading some closeup pics of the first outfit in this post, as some of my friends have asked about the hijab I wore, this one has a bit of flower pattern going on but its not too loud. I have one that is pure black which is on sale for RM25 e mail or drop a comment here if interested, I have only one piece left. Stuff is delivered via postage but if you live anywhere near Shah Alam, Subang or Bangsar I will be able to deliver straight to you.

Check out the post below on more style inspirations, will try to update this blog daily with jottings and pictures. Don't forget to check my Deepavali outfit style inspiration tomorrow and some makeup styles I did for my sister's best friend. XOXO


  1. Hi kak Yana,

    Would like to order the black cotton hijab that is on sale including a few cotton syria hijabs and inner.

    *Inner - dark blue, maroon, black, purple, turquoise and cream.
    *Syria Hijabs - 2 black, dark blue, light grey and maroon

    Thank you.

  2. got your order sayang. right now can boleh provide drak blue, black and purple. Maroon cream and turqoise have to wait for the stuff to come next week boleh ya..
