Thursday, November 4, 2010

I have a love affair.

my current favourites dusty grey wide legged pants and chocolate brown platform heels please ignore the messy background ;-p
p/s : this is a work outfit

Am not claiming to be any sort of fashionista, in fact I struggled with the concept of image for a very long time before finally becoming comfortable. Adhering to the dress code is and will always be a journey for me and a way of expressing my creativity.

Dressing up is my favourite thing to do next to writing! I really would like to challenge the school of taught that when you don a hijab it restricts you from being a fashionable, because it is the total opposite!

I love it when I spot a girl wearing the hijab having fun with their look while being modest.

This blog is sort of personal lookbook as I don't have the guts to open an account and if you like any of the stuff in the pictures drop me an e-mail as it might * hint hint * be on sale.

;-) I'll be posting more pictures, style inspirations , and jottings soon! XOXO


  1. Love the whole look actually! and thanks for recommending your fav fashion blog. I have to admit that am dressed better now with my hijab. Thought I could no longer wear most of my old clothes, from the blogs I discovered that I could with a little bit of creativity and improvisation.Wearing the hijab has changed me in so many ways now i just have to focus more on my ibadah. Thanks Kak Yana.

    Got you more customers. My cousins and sisters are interested to buy your syria hijab :)

  2. babe, love the pants!! if u r selling any of it sila roger ye. thanx!
